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REACTION: IAM RoadSmart's reaction to National Highways Smart motorways stocktake fourth year progress report
This follows the release of a National Highways report which examines the most recent safety data and evidence concerning smart motorways.
IAM RoadSmart Director of Policy and Standards Nicholas Lyes said, “After the many billions of pounds that have been spent on smart motorways, the metrics do not show a safer network compared to what it replaced. It also reveals that on those stretches of all-lane running smart motorways without a hard shoulder, the rate of fatal and serious collisions involving stopped vehicles is almost double that of both a conventional motorway and those with a dynamic hard shoulder. Given the public’s hostility towards all-lane running smart motorways, they will be relieved to know there are no plans to construct any more. However, question marks remain over what to do with existing stretches and how the government proceeds with future capacity expansion.”